CERC seminar – November, 2023

CERC seminar – November, 2023

Understanding the role of renewables in Canada’s
net-zero transition

November 21, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CEME)

Room 1203, 6250 Applied Science Lane View Map


As Canada transitions from a fossil-intensive economy, significant questions remain about the nature of the future energy mix and specifically the roles of individual renewable energy options. In this talk, we explore the roles of different renewables, including biomass, wind, solar, hydro, and tidal power, in meeting net-zero goals. The roles of conventional energy options, nuclear power, energy storage, and technologies such as carbon capture are also introduced. A sector-by-sector analysis highlights specific research needs and identifies areas for priority investments. A policy discussion explores the ways in which Canada can support this transition. A series of recommendations are provided to better support the future energy mix.


Dr. Warren Mabee (Ph.D. 2001, Toronto) is Associate Dean and Director of the School of Policy Studies, and a Professor in  the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen’s University. He holds a Canada research Chair (Tier 2) in Renewable Energy Development and Implementation, and is cross-appointed to the School of Environmental Studies at Queen’s. His international research programme focuses on the interface between policy and technology in the area of renewable energy and fuels, addressing issues that bridge the gap between researchers and decision-makers using tools such as life cycle assessment, geographic information systems and agent-based logistical models. His past work experiences include stints at the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto, as well as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Energy Agency.

ZOOM Meeting ID: 676 1915 1745 Passcode: 2360