As a new CERC Lab User, a number of mandatory training is required to meet WorksafeBC and UBC Requirements.
Please complete the following mandatory training. You will need to attach the following in your request for CERC lab access:
- Training completion certificates
- CERC Access Request form
- New Worker Safety Orientation
- New Worker Safety Orientation – Part 1*
- New Worker Safety – Part 2: Site specific safety orientation* (form to be completed with supervisor)
- Preventing and Addressing Workplace Bullying and Harassment Training
- Workplace Violence Prevention Training
- Chemical Safety – REQUIRED for LAB ACCESS. Online and in-person. Register for in-person after completion of online training.
- Privacy & Information Security Fundamentals – Part 1 and Part 2
- Chemical and Biological Engineering Department Safety Orientation Note: Canvas does not run on Internet Explorer, use Chrome or Firefox.
- Biosafety Training (If in bio lab)
- Laser Safety Training (If using lasers)
- WHMIS Training
- Radiation Safety for Sealed Source Authorized Users
Access form and training documents submission
For visiting students, a copy of the Visiting International Research Student (VIRS) Form is required to complete the access request form.
Access Request Form
Download and use this form to submit access requests to CERC.
Requests need to be sent to:
Equipment Safety Audit
New experimental setups require to be Inspected by the CHBE/CERC/BRIC Local Safety Team (LST).
All newly built or modified experimental set-ups must undergo a Safety Audit before commencing experiments.
What is a safety audit?
A thorough review of the drawings, designs, documentation and construction of a newly built or recently modified experimental apparatus. This is done by a group of subject matter experts and safety experts in consultation with the involved Principal Investigators and researchers. Safety Audits will be conducted by the LST in presence of the Principal Investigator and the researchers that use the equipment.
Required documents to be filled prior to audit:
Standard Operating Procedure
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is necessary for all experimental setups to be used in CHBE. This document must include safety measures required for the task outlined including PPE, engineering controls, administrative controls and other applicable topics.
Laboratory Equipment Safety Inspection Checklist
To be completed for all equipment before the first use of the equipment (and annually thereafter) and after any modifications (to the equipment, environment, work process, etc.).
Includes specific hazard information, spill control measures, safety features, past safety problems, etc.
Simplified HAZOP Worksheet
Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) form to identify and plan for different problems that may arise during an experiment and the mitigating requirements.
To be completed and submitted for each experiment as part of the Safety Audit.
Lab Safety Inspections
CERC Labs require to be Inspected by the CHBE/CERC/BRIC Local Safety Team (LST). CERC Labs are to be inspected regularly. The Lab users are responsible to complete a monthly lab checkup:
Monthly Laboratory Safety Checklist
To be completed for every lab by the Lab Safety Rep(s) monthly (due during every 15th of the month).
Annual Lab inspections to be conducted by the LST. Lab PI’s to be contacted directly for these.
For any questions, please contact Sarah Chen:
Some Recent Lab Tours:
Shell Canada (July 2022)
California Senate Delegation & UBC Biomass (July 2022)
Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry (September 2022)
21st International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (September 2022)
Canada-France Inter-Parliamentary Association (CAFR) (October 2022)
CERC Tour Request Form