2025 Eni Award Call for Proposal

Eni, in the framework of the 2025 Edition of the Eni Award Prizes, which aim to encourage a better use of conventional energy sources, to promote the gradual decarbonization of the energy system through the use of renewable sources, as well as to encourage research on environmental protection and to help new generations of researchers to emerge, announces:

* Advanced Environmental Solutions
* Energy Transition
* Energy Frontiers

Each Prize will consist of a customized plaque and an indivisible sum of €200,000 (Two hundred thousand Euros) and the participation in the prize giving Ceremony in Italy. Eni will grant hospitality for winners participating in the Ceremony
plus a maximum of one accompanying person.

Deadline for application: November 15th, 2024

For more information regarding the requirements, the registration procedure and deadlines. please consult the Official Announcement and Regulations of the Prize:

Please, note that the candidature procedures are totally free of charge and easily managed through a web platform. Potential candidates who wish to receive information or to apply may contact Laura Sterli (laura.sterli@feem.it).