Dr. Xiaotao Tony Bi
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UBC

Professor Xiaotao Bi of University of British Columbia, the CERC director has been presented the International Circulating Fluidized Bed and Fluidization Technology Achievement Award at the 14th International Circulating Fluidized Beds (CFB) and Fluidization Technology conference in Taiyuan, China (July 22-25, 2024). This award recognizes Dr. Bi’s sustained contribution to the advancement of fluidization science and technology over past 40 years. His research spans from choking phenomena, flow regime transitions and regime diagrams, high solids flux circulating fluidized beds, pressure waves and pressure fluctuations in fluidized beds, electrostatic phenomena in fluidized beds, and novel fluidized bed reactors for biomass conversion. In addition, he contributed greatly to the fluidization community by organizing important conferences and serving in different committees.

The fluidization achievement award has been considered as the highest recognition for fluidization researchers in the international fluidization community, given at International Fluidization Conferences and International Circulating Fluidized Bed Conferences held every three years. The past winners of the awards include Professors John Grace (1998) and Norman Epstein (2012) from UBC (https://cfbconferences.org/awards).