Second row from left: Dr. Carol Liao, Dr. Zerriffi Hisham, and Dr. Naoko Ellis.
Dr. Tony Bi (CERC director), Dr. Naoko Ellis (CERC Associate Director), Dr. Kathryn Harrison (CERC member), Dr. Zerriffi Hisham (CERC member), together with Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson (Citizen of and General Counsel to the Haida Nation) and Dr. Carol Liao (Co-Director, UBC Centre for Climate Justice) are featured in the recent “Collective Wisdom” Section in UBC Magazine to answer the question: “What developments in the transition to clean energy make you most optimistic?”.
To read their answers, please visit UBC Magazine webpage: https://magazine.alumni.ubc.ca/2024/fall-2024/collective-wisdom/environment/what-developments-transition-clean-energy-make-you